Saturday, February 14, 2015


सनद रहे कि मैं न तो किसी धर्म विशेष का अनुसरण करता हूं; न ही किसी उपासना स्थल पर जाकर ईश्वर की मनौती करने की आवश्यकता अनुभव होती है; न ही कोई पूजा पाठ अथवा धार्मिक अनुष्ठान करने का मेरा आग्रह होता है; न ही मुझे कोई योग, आमंडित ध्यान या व्यायाम की आदत है; सत्संग का विधान निदान वाला अनुग्रह भी नहीं अनुभव होता।
बस सहज, सरल, अध्यवसायी जीवन निर्वाह और यथा सेवा में मन रमा रहता है। चिंतन और पढ़ना-लिखना प्रचुर हो जाता है। बाहर भीतर का समन्वय निरन्तर कर्मशील रहने से बना रहता है और एक आस्थामय शक्ति का संचार नियमित बना रहता है। ईश्वर की मूर्ति या साकार कल्पना की भी मुझे न तो कोई चाह है और न ही कोई आवश्यकता। प्रार्थना में भिक्षुक की सी मांग करनी तो मुझे कभी आई ही नहीं। मेरे अंतर्वासी पर ब्रह्माण्डव्यापी प्रभु का आभार मानना और अपने कर्म में अपने यथा प्राप्त विवेक से साथ तन्मय जुडे़ रहना ही मेरी पूजा है। ईश्वर से जुड़ने के लिए धर्म की नहीं, पवित्र मानसिकता की जरुरत होती है और वह अपने अन्दर अनुभव कर रहा हूं।
वृद्धावस्था के दैन्य और युवावस्था की वंचना से मुक्त हूं; स्मित हूं; स्वस्थ हूं; जीवन को पूर्ण भाव से जी पा रहा हूं; अनावश्यक मर्यादाओं और संहिताओं से त्रस्त नहीं होता; अगाध प्रेम करता हूं और अथाह प्रेम पाता हूं; आरोप और आलोचनाओं से अप्रभावित हूं; विश्व भाव से प्रेरित हो कर स्वदेश के प्रति प्रेमबद्ध हूं; कोई अर्थ-लिप्सा अब मुझे घेरती ही नहीं; जो साधन सुलभ हैं - वे मेरे लिए पर्याप्त हैं; बच्चे मेरे संरक्षक बन चुके हैं; और किसी भी भांति के पारिवारिक संताप से परे हूं। और क्या चाहिए मुझे सिवाय एक दीर्घ स्वस्थ आयु के जिसका उपयोग मैं और जग-उपयोगी होकर कर सकूं? मैं उन्मुक्त भाव से आप सबका अपना हूं।
प्रेम मोहन

As I wrote my above post on my life and its philosophy, I was in the sombre mood of conscience examination - was I being truthful? I had a clear answer with no wavering - YES!
YES! I am happy and fulfilled without inclining on any religion or religious rites.
YES! My trust in God is impeccable without adoring and singing hymns in the praise of Lord's idols and forms.
YES! I am free and content not being caged in artificial codes of conduct.
YES! I am happy to have minimized my needs and therefore material expectations.
YES! I have been able to save my self-respect having taken no loans throughout my life and not behaving like a beggar before my Supreme Master.
YES! I have enjoyed being simple, straight, in good health; I am enjoying my old age with no regrets of having lost the physical youth.
YES! I feel fulfilled in my reflections, readings and writing.
YES! I have all the joys of a happy and harmonious family.
YES! I can love infinitely and I am loved intensely without any discretion!
YES! I am serving the purpose of living for GOD and MY COUNTRY.
YES!I am grateful to my Master and all the members of His Great Family.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


With a heart so tender and body so restless,
With a yearning in the amorous grooves;
In a ceaseless journey ever unfinished
Continuously my wandering spirit moves.

Nothing to gather and nothing to hold,
With no intentions of a mean intellect;
Distribution of all my gains and gifts
Is never for me the perfidy’s suspect.

The spot where my pen or my foot steps
Is the centre of my spirit’s retreat;
Many in the world want many things
But a contemplative pondering is my treat.

I have been made a wandering trustee
Of gifts of God own wealth divine;
Entrusted, I have to keep nothing,
Then only my life will be fulfilled fine.

World wisely cautions me now and then –
Do not take every one in your loving den.
But my wandering spirit knows no stops.
Dying loveless is lying in dust, living when?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


My New Publication "SHASHWAT GEETIKAYEN" a selective collection of about 80 Hindi poetic trans-creation based upon the original sanskrit text from Vedas, Upnishads and other ancient scriptures (texts are simultaneously quoted) is coming out soon. It is going to be one of its own. The pre-publication orders are accepted @ Rs.100 + postage and handing (for India) and US $ 12 for airmailing any where in the world till September 2009. For further details, please contact

Saturday, August 1, 2009


A Moment of Eternity
A moment of eternity
In the mortal hours
Has more credence than
All the glamour showers.

To make life a channel of
Pure thoughts and noble deeds
Even for the tiniest time
Is worthier than recorded creeds.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009



Life cannot be a draughtsman’s design
Or a portion of calculated speech;
Load it not with licentious details
Or with the patterned shapes.

Make mind no master of it,
Either heart no slave ever;
Let life choose them as companions
On the path of its fulfillment.

Allow them to sing in the joy of company,
Restrain their hush and push to compete;
Life was not meant to built castle,
But to flow on its free wings.

August 16, 2008

Monday, July 27, 2009


Many are the definitions of Love given by different people.
And still many continue to hold love as mere romantic ripple.
Love is no element to be described in sounds and words.
Love continues eternally when body leaves its surds.
Love is an inner urge, love is a passion’s surge too.
Love is a purifying flow cleansening and healing sure to do.
Love s the light of soul, a brightness divine and beautiful.
It burns unwavering confronting blows deadly and frightful.
Love is an attraction in a man an a woman pair.
A current of tempest, smooth at times in dedication flair.
Love is featured in diverse ways and in diverse manner.
It causes vibrations of spirit but not alone under sex banner.
Love is a celestial power, God’s blessing unrestrained.
It is the special song of soul withmelody within unexplained.